Due to the lockdown gatherings and activities at the church building have been limited or suspended. None the less we are finding ways to ensure we can still share God’s Word and have fellowship online.
Below is the recording of the sermon for this week.
The Cry, The Wait and The Hope of Communion – Psalm 130 – Rev Ray Pountney – 2nd May 2021
A Song of Ascents.
1 Out of the depths I have cried to You, O Lord;
2 Lord, hear my voice! Let Your ears be attentive To the voice of my supplications.
3 If You, Lord, should mark iniquities, O Lord, who could stand?
4 But there is forgiveness with You, That You may be feared.
5 I wait for the Lord, my soul waits, And in His word I do hope.
6 My soul waits for the Lord More than those who watch for the morning– Yes, more than those who watch for the morning.
7 O Israel, hope in the Lord; For with the Lord there is mercy, And with Him is abundant redemption.
8 And He shall redeem Israel From all his iniquities.
New King James Version